Quick Donate Form
Our hearts go out to friends, family, and colleagues dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Helene in Western NC. Relief efforts will take weeks, months and even years.
Please click
to see a list of charitable organizations helping with relief efforts. This vetted list will be updated as information is received.
You can visit all 784 SECC vetted organizations using
this link
but for hurricane relief organizations, please click the
Western NC Hurricane Relief
Welcome! Let's Get Started!
Let us know where you work:
State Government & SECU
Which University do you work for?
Appalachian State University
Elizabeth City State University
East Carolina University
Fayetteville State University
NC School of Science & Math
NC A&T State University
North Carolina Central University
NC State University
The UNC System
UNC Asheville
UNC Charlotte
UNC Chapel Hill
UNC Greensboro
UNC Health Care
UNC Pembroke
UNC School of the Arts
UNC Wilmington
Western Carolina University
Winston-Salem State University
Which Department/Agency do you work for?
Dept. of Administration
Dept. of Adult Correction
Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Services
Dept. of Commerce
Dept. of Environmental Quality
Dept. of Health & Human Services
Dept. of Information Technology
Dept. of Insurance
Dept. of Justice
Dept. of Labor
Dept. of Military & Veterans Affairs
Dept. of Natural & Cultural Resources
Dept. of Public Instruction
Dept. of Public Safety
Dept. of Revenue
Dept. of Secretary of State
Dept. of State Treasurer
Dept. of Transportation
General Assembly
Judicial Branch
NC Community College System
NC Education Lottery
Office of Administrative Hearings
Office of State Budget & Management
Office of State Controller
Office of State Human Resources
Office of the Governor
Office of the State Auditor
State Bureau of Investigations
State Emplooyes Association of NC (SEANC)
State Employees Credit Union
Wildlife Resource Commission
Proceed and enter my information
Please select your workplace:
AA Acad Affairs Administration
AA Academic Library Services
AA Assoc Provost of Learner Ops
AA Coll Fine Arts and Commun
AA College of Allied Health
AA College of Arts and Sciences
AA College of Business
AA College of Education
AA College of Engineering & Tech
AA College of Health and Human Perf
AA College of Nursing
AA Graduate School
AA Honors College
AA HSL Health Sciences Library
AA Inst Planning Assessment & Rsrch
AA Integrated Coastal Program
AA Research Econ Dev Engagement
AA School of Dental Medicine
AF Administration and Finance Admin
AF Campus Operations
AF Financial Services
AF Information Technology Comp Serv
AF Mat Mngmt and Real Estate
AT Athletics
CH Chancellor Admin
HS BSOM Brody School Of Medicine
SA Student Life Adm
SL Dean of Students
SL Marketing and Communication
UA Alumni Relations - Alumni Assoc
UA Annual Fund
UA University Advancement Adm
UA University Development
None of the Above
Proceed and enter my information
Proceed and enter my information
Proceed and enter my information
Proceed and enter my information
Please select your workplace:
Campus Enterprises
Chancellor's Office
College Of Agriculture & Life
College of Design
College of Education
College of Engineering
College Of Humanities & Social Sciences
College of Natural Resources
College of Sciences
College of Textiles
College Of Veterinary Medicine
Continuing & Lifelong Ed
Core Research Facilities
Div of Academic and Student Affairs
Enrollment Mgt & Svcs.
Env Health & Public Safety
Exec Vice Chancellor & Provost
Ext Aff, Partnerships, Econ Development
Facilities Division
Finance & Administration
Graduate School
Human Resources
Institute for Emerging Issues
Nc State Univ. Fndn - Libraries
Ofc Research & Innovation
Office Inst Equity & Diversity
Office of Global Engagement
Office of Information Technology
Poole College of Management
Special Olympics NCSU
University Advancement
University Interdisciplinary Programs
University Real Estate & Development
None of the Above
Proceed and enter my information
Proceed and enter my information
Proceed and enter my information
Please select your workplace:
College of Arts & Sciences
Enrollment Management
Eshelman School of Pharmacy
Facilities Services
Finance & Operations
Gillings School Global Pub Health
Graduate School
HR Equal Opp Compliance
Information Technology Services
Innov, Entrepreneur, Econ Dev
Inst Integrity and Risk Mgmt
Kenan-Flagler School of Business
Office of the Chancellor
Office of the Provost
School of Data Science & Society
School of Dentistry
School of Education
School of Government
School of Info & Library Science
School of Law
School of Media and Journalism
School of Medicine
School of Nursing
School of Social Work
UNC Global
University Communications
University Counsel
University Development
University Libraries
VC for Research
VC Student Affairs
None of the Above
Proceed and enter my information
Please select your workplace:
DIV01 & 7 - Academic Affairs & Gateway
DIV02 - Information Technology
DIV03 - University Advancement
DIV04 - Student Affairs
DIV05 - Finance & Administration
DIV06 - Chancellor's Office
DIV08 - Athletics
DIV10 - Research & Engagement
DIV11 - Enrollment Management
None of the Above
Proceed and enter my information
Proceed and enter my information
Proceed and enter my information
Proceed and enter my information
Proceed and enter my information
Proceed and enter my information
Please select your workplace:
Non Public Education
Council for Women & Youth Involvement
Ethics Commission
Facility Management
Fiscal Management
Human Resources
HUB - Historically Underutilized Business
Indian Affairs
Lt. Governor's Office
Motor Fleet Management
State Parking Division
State Property Office
Purchase & Contract
Public Information Office
Secretary's Office
State Construction Office
Surplus Property
None of the Above
Proceed and enter my information
Proceed and enter my information
Proceed and enter my information
Proceed and enter my information
Proceed and enter my information
Proceed and enter my information
Proceed and enter my information
Proceed and enter my information
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Proceed and enter my information
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Proceed and enter my information
Proceed and enter my information
Proceed and enter my information
Proceed and enter my information
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Please select your workplace:
AC - Admin - CFO - Budget
AC - Admin - CFO - Controller
AC - Admin - CFO - Purchasing
AC - Admin - Combined Records
AC - Admin - Victim Support Svcs.
AC - Admin - WF - Human Resources
AC - Admin - WFM - Engage/Progress
AC - Admin - WFM - Staff Dev/Trng.
AC - Admin - Work Force Mgmt.
AC - Admin - Work Force Mgmt. - Shield
AC - COS - Internal Affairs
AC - COS - Internal Audit
AC - COS - Prof Standards
AC - General Counsel
AC - Operations
Jud Dist Administration
Jud Dist Div. 1 - Dist. 1
Jud Dist Div. 1 - Dist. 2
Jud Dist Div. 1 - Dist. 3
Jud Dist Div. 1 - Dist. 4
Jud Dist Div. 1 - Dist. 5
Jud Dist Div. 1 - Dist. 6
Jud Dist Div. 1 - Dist. 7
Jud Dist Div. 1 - Dist. 8
Jud Dist Div. 1 - Office
Jud Dist Div. 2 - Dist. 9
Jud Dist Div. 2 - Dist. 10
Jud Dist Div. 2 - Dist. 11
Jud Dist Div. 2 - Dist. 12
Jud Dist Div. 2 - Dist. 13
Jud Dist Div. 2 - Dist. 14
Jud Dist Div. 2 - Dist. 15
Jud Dist Div. 2 - Dist. 16
Jud Dist Div. 2 - Dist. 24
Jud Dist Div. 2 - Dist. 25
Jud Dist Div. 2 - Office
Jud Dist Div. 3 - Dist. 17
Jud Dist Div. 3 - Dist. 18
Jud Dist Div. 3 - Dist. 19A
Jud Dist Div. 3 - Dist. 19B
Jud Dist Div. 3 - Dist. 20
Jud Dist Div. 3 - Dist. 21
Jud Dist Div. 3 - Dist. 22
Jud Dist Div. 3 - Dist. 23
Jud Dist Div. 3 - Office
Jud Dist Div. 4 - Dist. 26
Jud Dist Div. 4 - Dist. 27
Jud Dist Div. 4 - Dist. 28
Jud Dist Div. 4 - Dist. 29
Jud Dist Div. 4 - Dist. 30
Jud Dist Div. 4 - Office
Enterprises - All
Enterprises - Warehouse - Wake
Post-Release Supervision and Parole Commission
INST - Admin
INST - CR - Anson CI
INST - CR - Caswell CC
INST - CR - Central Prison
INST - CR - Central Reg. Ofc.
INST - CR - Dan River PWF
INST - CR - Franklin CC
INST - CR - Granville CI
INST - CR - N. Piedmont CRV
INST - CR - Nash CI
INST - CR - Orange CC
INST - CR - Randolph CC
INST - CR - Wake CC
INST - CR - Warren CI
INST - ER - Bertie CI
INST - ER - Carteret CC
INST - ER - Craven CI
INST - ER - Eastern CI
INST - ER - Eastern Reg. Ofc.
INST - ER - Greene CI
INST - ER - Hyde CI
INST - ER - Johnston CI
INST - ER - Maury CI
INST - ER - Neuse CI
INST - ER - Pamlico CI
INST - ER - Pasquotank CI
INST - ER - Roanoke River CI
INST - ER - Tyrrell PWF
INST - Facilities Management
INST - SCR - Albermarle CI
INST - SCR - Columbus CI
INST - SCR - Harnett CI
INST - SCR - Lumberton
INST - SCR - New Hanover CC
INST - SCR - Pender CI
INST - SCR - Richmond CI
INST - SCR - Robeson CRV
INST - SCR - S. Central Reg. Ofc.
INST - SCR - Sampson CI
INST - SCR - Sanford CC
INST - SCR - Scotland CI
INST - SCR - Southern CI
INST - SCR - Tabor CI
INST - WR - Alexander CI
INST - WR - Avery/Mitchell CI
INST - WR - Caldwell CC
INST - WR - Catawba CC
INST - WR - Craggy CC
INST - WR - Davidson CC
INST - WR - Foothills CI
INST - WR - Forsyth CC
INST - WR - Gaston CC
INST - WR - Lincoln CC
INST - WR - Marion CI
INST - WR - Mountain View CI
INST - WR - Piedmont CI
INST - WR - Rutherford CC
INST - WR - West Corr Ctr for Women
INST - WR - Western Reg Ofc
INST - WR - Wilkes CC
Rehab/Correctional Svcs - Comp. Health Svcs.
Rehab/Correctional Svcs - Education Svcs.
Rehab/Correctional Svcs - Rehab/Reentry
Rehab/Correctional Svcs - Support Svcs.
Secretary's Office
None of the Above
Please select your workplace:
Ag Statistics/ITSD
Agronomics Division
Audit, Budget & Revenue
Emergency Programs
Farmland Preservation
Finance Authority
Food & Drug Protection
Food Distribution Division
Forest Service
Human Resources Office
Information Technology Services Division
Marketing & Customer Service
Meat & Poultry Inspection Division
Plant Industry Division
Property & Construction
Research Stations
Soil & Water
Standards Division
State Fair Division
Structural Pest & Pesticide Division
Tobacco Trust Fund Commission
Veterinary Division
None of the Above
Please select your workplace:
COMM - Banking Commission & Savings
COMM - Credit Union
COMM - Fiscal Management
COMM - Human Resources/Administration
COMM - Mangement Information Sys
COMM - Public Staff/Legal
COMM - Rural Economic Development
COMM - Science Tech
COMM - Secretary's Office
COMM - Utilities Commission
DES - Administration
DES - Epledge
DWS - Epledge
DWS - Headquarters
DWS 1 Jacksonville
DWS 1 Kinston
DWS 1 New Bern
DWS 2 Elizabeth City
DWS 2 Greenville
DWS 2 Roanoke Rapids
DWS 3 Cary
DWS 3 Chapel Hill
DWS 3 Durham
DWS 3 Henderson
DWS 3 Raleigh
DWS 3 Sanford
DWS 4 Clinton
DWS 4 Laurinburg
DWS 5 Greensboro
DWS 5 High Point
DWS 5 Winston-Salem
DWS 6 Albermarle
DWS 6 Charlotte
DWS 6 Charlotte - South
DWS 6 Concord
DWS 6 Gastonia
DWS 6 Lincolnton
DWS 6 Monroe
DWS 6 Salisbury
DWS 6 Shelby
DWS 6 Statesville
DWS 7 Burlington
DWS 7 Lenoir
DWS 7 Marion
DWS 7 Morganton
DWS 7 North Wilkesboro
DWS 8 Asheville
DWS 8 Forest City
DWS 8 Franklin
DWS 8 Hendersonville
DWS 8 Murphy
DWS 8 Waynesville
None of the Above
Please select your workplace:
Air Quality - All Offices
Asst. Sect - Environment
Coastal Management - All Offices
Ecosystem Enhancement Program
Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
Environ Assist - All Offices
Environ. Asst. & Customer Svc.
Financial Service Division
General Counsel?s Office
Human Resources
Marine Fisheries - All Offices
Mitigation Services
Public Affairs - Communications
Secretary's Office - Admin
Waste Mgmt - All Offices
Water Infrastructure
Water Resources - All Offices
None of the Above
Please select your workplace:
Admin - Budget & Analysis
Admin - Communications
Admin - Controller
Admin - Council on Dev Disabilities
Admin - General Counsel
Admin - Health Equity Portfolio
Admin - Human Resources
Admin - Information Technology
Admin - Internal Audit
Admin - NCFAST
Admin - Procurement, Contract, & Grants
Admin - Property & Construction
Admin - Rural Health
Admin - Secretary's Office
DSOHF - Black Mtn Neuro-Medical Ctr
DSOHF - Broughton Hospital
DSOHF - Caswell Center
DSOHF - Central Office
DSOHF - Central Reg Hosp
DSOHF - Cherry Hospital
DSOHF - J. Iverson Riddle Center
DSOHF - Julian F. Keith ADATC
DSOHF - Longleaf Neuro-Medical Ctr.
DSOHF - Murdoch Center
DSOHF - O'Berry Neuro-Medical Center
DSOHF - R.J. Blackley ADATC
DSOHF - Walter B. Jones ADATC
DSOHF - Wright School
H - Div - Child & Family Well-Being
H - Div - Disability Determination Svcs
H - Div - Health Benefits
H - Div - Health Service Regulation
H - Div - Health Services
H - Div - MH/DD/SUS
H - Div - Public Health
HS - Div - Aging & Adult Services
HS - Div - Child Dev & Early Ed.
HS - Div - Services for the Blind
HS - Div - Services for the Deaf/HH
HS - Div - Social Services
Vocational Rehabilitation
None of the Above
Proceed and enter my information
Please select your workplace:
Actuarial Service
Agent Services
Bail Bond Division
Captive Insurance
Consumer Services
Controllers Office
Criminal Investigations
Financial Examination
Financial Services & Receivership
Fire & Rescue Group, State Fire Marshall
Fraud Control Group
Human Resources
Industrial Commission
Information Technology
Life & Health
Manufactured Buildings
Market Regulation Division
Property & Casualty
Regional Outreach
Seniors Health Ins. Info. Program
Smart NC
Western Regional Office
None of the Above
Please select your workplace:
Administration/Attorney Generals Staff
Civil Bureau
CJ & Standards
Consumer Protection
Criminal Bureau
NC Justice Academy
Sheriffs' Standards
State Crime Lab
None of the Above
Proceed and enter my information
Proceed and enter my information
Please select your workplace:
African American Heritage Commission
American Indian Heritage Commission
Archaeology - Historical Resources
Archives & History - Administration
Archives & History - Archives & Records
Hist. Site - Roanoke Isle. Festival Park (Merged with Historic Sites)
Hist. Site - Tryon Palace
Hist. Site - USS NC Battleship
Human Resources & Admin - Cap Projects
Information & Marketing Services
Land Water Stewardship
Museum - Albemarle
Museum - Art
Museum - Cape Fear
Museum - History
Museum - Maritime/Beaufort
Museum - Mountain Gateway
Museum - Natural Sciences
Museum - NC Transportation
Natural Heritage Programs
NC Symphony
NC Zoological Park
Parks & Recreation Div.
Secretary's Office/Deputy Secretary
State Capitol
State Library of NC
None of the Above
Proceed and enter my information
Please select your workplace:
AC/JJ - Alexander Juvenile Detention
AC/JJ - C.A. Dillion YDC
AC/JJ - Cabarrus Juvenile Detention
AC/JJ - Central Office & Program Svcs
AC/JJ - Chatham Youth Development
AC/JJ - Cumberland Juvenile Detention
AC/JJ - Edgecombe YDC
AC/JJ - Lenoir Youth Development
AC/JJ - New Hanover Juvenile Detention
AC/JJ - Pitt Regional Juvenile Detention
AC/JJ - Wake Juvenile Detention Center
Admin - Budget Management/Analysis
Admin - Controllers Ofc
Admin - Engineering
Admin - Governor's Crime Commission
Admin - Human Resources
Admin - Purchasing & Logistics
Admin - Victim Services
Cabarrus Youth Development Center
Central Region-District 10
Central Region-District 11
Central Region-District 12
Central Region-District 13
Central Region-District 14
Central Region-District 15
Central Region-District 16
Central Region-District 9
Court Services Admin
Eastern Region-District 1
Eastern Region-District 2
Eastern Region-District 3
Eastern Region-District 4
Eastern Region-District 5
Eastern Region-District 6
Eastern Region-District 7
Eastern Region-District 8
General Counsel
Juvenile Justice
NC Office of Recovery and Resiliency (NCCORR)
Piedmont Region-District 17
Piedmont Region-District 18
Piedmont Region-District 19
Piedmont Region-District 20
Piedmont Region-District 21
Piedmont Region-District 22
Piedmont Region-District 26
SEC - ABC Commission
SEC - Communications
SEC - Emergency Management
SEC - Internal Audit
SEC - National Guard
SEC - NC State Hwy Patrol, HQ
SEC - NC State Hwy Patrol, Troop A
SEC - NC State Hwy Patrol, Troop B
SEC - NC State Hwy Patrol, Troop C
SEC - NC State Hwy Patrol, Troop D
SEC - NC State Hwy Patrol, Troop E
SEC - NC State Hwy Patrol, Troop F
SEC - NC State Hwy Patrol, Troop G
SEC - NC State Hwy Patrol, Troop H
SEC - Samarcand Training Facility
SEC - SBI - Headquarters
SEC - SBI - Northwestern District
SEC - Secretary's Office/Administration
SEC - State Capitol Police
Special Investigations
Western Region-District 23
Western Region-District 24
Western Region-District 25
Western Region-District 27
Western Region-District 28
Western Region-District 29
Western Region-District 30
None of the Above
Please select your workplace:
Business Services & Support
Tax Administration
Tax Enforcement & Compliance
Tax Information Processing
None of the Above
Proceed and enter my information
Please select your workplace:
Financial Operations
Information Technology
Investment Management
NC State Health Plan
Retirement Services
State & Local Government Commission
Unclaimed Property
Please select your workplace:
Accounting Operations & Budget
Attorney General's Office
Board of Transportation
DMV - Commissioner's Office
DMV - License & Theft
DMV - Trng/Dev
DOH - Division 1
DOH - Division 2
DOH - Division 3
DOH - Division 4
DOH - Division 5
DOH - Division 6
DOH - Division 7
DOH - Division 8
DOH - Division 9
DOH - Division 10
DOH - Division 11
DOH - Division 12
DOH - Division 13
DOH - Division 14
Governance Office
Human Resources
Inspector General
NC Global Transpark Authority
NC State Ports Authority
NC Turnpike Authority
Project Dev Env Analyst (PDEA)
Right of Way
Secretarys Office
None of the Above
Please select your workplace:
Admin, HR, Print, Facilities...
Bill Drafting
Fiscal Research
Information Systems
Legislative Analysis Div.
Legislative Services
Police Department
Printing Services
Program Evaluation
Research Division
None of the Above
Please select your workplace:
AOC: Administratration
AOC: Court Services
AOC: Director's Office
AOC: Financial Services
AOC: General Counsel
AOC: Planning & Organizational Mgmt.
AOC: Program Services
AOC: Purchasing Services
AOC:Technology Services
Appellate Defender
Capital Defender
Commissions & Conference
Court of Appeals
CSC - All Locations
Dispute Resolution Commission
District Attorney: All Locations
District Attorney's Conference
District Court: All Locations
Indigent Defense Services
Innocence Inquiry
Judicial Standards
Juvenile Defender
Public Defender: All Locations
Sentencing & Policy Commission
Special Counsel
Superior Court All Locations
Supreme Court
None of the Above
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Proceed and enter my information
Please select your workplace:
Appalachian State University
Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Sciences
Dept. of Environmental Quality
Dept. of Health & Human Services
Dept. of Natural & Cultural Resources
Dept. of Administration
Dept. of Commerce
Dept. of Insurance
Dept. of Justice
Dept. of Labor
Dept. of Revenue
Dept. of Transportation
Dept. of Public Instruction
Dept. of Public Safety
Dept. of the Secretary of State
Dept. of State Treasurer
Elizabeth City State University
East Carolina University
Fayetteville State University
General Assembly
NC Education Lottery
NC A&T State University
NC Community College System
NC Central University
NC School of the Arts
NC School of Science & Math
NC State University
Office of Administrative Hearings
Office of the Governor
Office of State Budget & Management
Office of State Controller
State Employees Association of NC
Office of State Human Resources
Office of the State Auditor
UNC System
UNC Asheville
UNC Charlotte
UNC Chapel Hill
UNC Greensboro
UNC Pembroke
UNC Wilmington
Western Carolina University
Wildlife Resources Commission
Winston Salem State University
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